Friday, October 24, 2008

Hug Them, Love Them, Laugh Often, and Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

by Renee Spieth, Indiana Young Mother 2008

Some days with our children pass as smoothly as a Hallmark commercial. On these picture-perfect days, hugging, loving, and laughing with our family are easy. When everyone listens the first time, or climbs into your lap to snuggle with Mommy, parenting is a breeze. However, life with children doesn't always go as we plan. Motherhood is a constant learning experience. I have had to learn to laugh at the many antics that my children have discovered and invented. Yes, right from wrong must be taught, but sometimes, a mom just has to smile, shake her head, and laugh. I often grab my camera to catch the mud monsters in action. Although mud is messy, it cleans up. So does the corn starch, flour, or whatever happens to be the mess-maker's object of destruction. This messy time will pass. I know that when the teenage years come, I will wish that my biggest issue was getting grass stains and mud stains out of jeans and carpeting. So moms, keep teaching those mud-monsters right from wrong. However, remember to hug and love them often. Laugh as you tell the stories to your friends or as you flip through the photo albums years from now. Most of all, don't sweat the small stuff! This is just a stage that will all too soon be a memory. God will give you wisdom and patience to get through this crazy life that He has blessed you with when giving you the title, Mother.

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